Weed officers are on the lookout for the terribly invasive Groundsel Bush, which has been found at the southern and northern boundaries of the MidCoast Council area, and concerted efforts are being made to keep it out.
Appearances around the lower Wallambah and Wallis Lake Foreshore raise concern that it is in the Wallambah River catchment. Its copiously produced tiny seed is readily wind-blown but also spread very effectively in water.
The spread of the weed can be very rapid and is of great concern to rural communities, especially in higher rainfall areas like we have here on the coast, where it has the potential to become truly rampant. This weed thrives on poor groundcover, overgrazing and highly disturbed areas, so managing 100% groundcover reduces the risk of its copious wind and water-borne seeds from establishing.
Groundsel bush is a serious weed of horticulture, cropping and grazing agricultural industries as well as forestry. It is very unpalatable and toxic to stock. It is also an environmental weed.
It has a distinctive leaf shape and a distinctive densely branching bushy habit, typically about 1.5m, but plants can reach heights of 3m and more.
Individual plants are readily killed by cut stump application of glyphosate.
If you think you have seen this weed, please contact Terry Inkson on 7955 7777
For more information see NSW Weed Wise.