Biodiversity Grants for LFW members
Landholders who are members of Land for Wildlife can apply at any time for a Landholder Biodiversity Grant.
As a Land for Wildlife Member, you can apply for up to $2,000 in funding a year. Land for Wildlife members can apply for up to three years, with each year being a new application. If demand for the program is high this may mean you are only successful in one year. Years two and three applications will be considered after the successful acquittal of the previous years’ funding.
What will be funded?
The following activities are eligible:
- Assisted regeneration and weed control
- Fencing to secure conservation area or to enable restoration of native vegetation
- Introduced pest animal control
- Revegetation (including supplementary planting with local species)
- Improvement in Habitat Structure through additional ground cover layers
- Repairs to existing habitat, soil or waterways to maintain biodiversity values
- Other work needed to maintain biodiversity values.

All grants are assessed and managed by CEN. For more information and access to the online form, goto:
MC2T can assist with formulating your grant proposal.
Contact Isabelle by email if you would like some help with your application: plc@midcoast2tops.org.au