Rainbow over Camel’s Hump Conservation reserve.

Wallamba Bridges Bushcare

Karuah & Great Lakes Landcare Subgroups

Smiths Lake Landcare Group
Our group of keen locals seeks to tackle problem weed infestations in “public” areas near bridges on the Wallamba River, with the support of MidCoast Council.

Thanks to funding through Council’s Bushcare Program, TIDE (Taree Indigenous Development & Employment) Rangers and other bush regeneration programmes, contractors have done primary weed treatments at four sites: Dyers Crossing, Krambach, Firefly and Nabiac.

Sites were chosen for both their prominent positions near well-trafficked roads and their strong natural regeneration potential, so the bush can come back as weeds are brought under control.

Local Landcare volunteers are now regularly following up, rotating between the sites. Volunteers are given Work Health and Safety inductions and weed management toolkits by MidCoast Council.

To join our volunteers, please contact Robyn Lamond

Robyn Lamond


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