With us all heading to the polls this Saturday 25 March, Mid Coast 2 Tops Landcare felt it was important we support our members in their decision where we can, across our shared interest areas. Representatives from each of our Landcare networks were consulted with to collaborate on a set of questions that represented shared priorities of Landcarer’s across the region. These questions were then sent to the candidates for comment.
Below you will find the three response received from Eleanor Spence (NSW Greens), Dr Jason Bendall (Independent) and Mark Vanstone (NSW Labor). Please note, following receiving the response from NSW Labor candidate, we received the press release from NSW Labor in support of the next Landcare program. This has been included in addition to Mark’s response as it was unknown at the time of his writing. NSW Nationals candidate Tanya Thompson failed to respond to our invitation for comment.
We hope these responses can assist you in your decision on Saturday. As a non-partisan organisation, Landcare is dedicated to ensuring volunteers on the ground and local communities are supported in their priorities, regardless of election cycles. As always, we recognise the passion, consistency and dedication of our members first and foremost in the work they do for our landscapes. What we hope for on Saturday is an outcome that enables us to continue to support this.
Finally, always remember only you are in charge of your preferences. Click here to see a great video run-through of how our preferential system works as a refresher before this weekend! https://www.aec.gov.au/learn/preferential-voting.htm
Mark Vanstone Questions for Response from Landcare members