The NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust is partnering with Landcare NSW to raise awareness on the importance of conservation on private land, and has refunded the Private Land Conservation program in the MidCoast Region for a second stage of this successful program.

The aim of the Private Land Conservation Matters Project (PLC Matters) is to encourage more landholders to implement best practice conservation management on their land. It is a statewide education program that will be delivered locally by MidCoast 2 Tops Landcare, cofunded by MidCoast Council.

The program has been designed to work with the local conservation community, including BCT agreement holders and Landcarers. We kicked the program off in earnest in early October with a walk and talk at Daniela and Mark’s Land for Wildlife property. We discussed how to approach creek restoration, different methods of weed control, including using BioControl on Tradescantia, and demonstrated how to deal with mature Camphor Laurel trees whilst maintaining creek bank integrity, canopy closure and habitat provision. It was a great day with lots of colourful conversation to be had by 20-odd people from all parts of the region.

Our next event is planned for December 2nd at Taree Showground, where we will be demonstrating how to build an artificial watering station for wildlife from PVC pipe. These waterer’s are only needed in times of extremely hot and dry weather, such as we have experienced recently in the region.  They are easy to build and install and typically last about 2 weeks. It is best to monitor the stations with camera traps to determine their efficacy and to record species use. We will provide raw materials for each participant, who then be able to construct their own station to take home. The event is free of charge and is expected to be very popular, so get in early if you would like to attend by registering HERE

Other events planned for next year include workshops with eminent botanists, such as Dr Bill McDonald who will enlighten us about Rainforest Plants at Copeland Tops, and Dennis Sinclair, President of the MidCoast branch of the Australasian Native Orchid Society who will share his passion for orchids at Krambach. We also have Mycologist Dr Sandra Tszynska visiting us at Topi Topi next May to discuss soil health and implications for forest health.

We will take a trek out to Gorton Forest, a wonderful new conservation property managed by the Australian Wildlife Conservancy. Other topics include learning about Birds on Farms with BirdLife Australia at Craven; Aboriginal Cultural Heritage awareness training in Tea Garden; How to manage and maintain access trails on your conservation property in Bulahdelah, Conservation and primary production synergies at Bobin; Feral Animals; Threatened Ground Fauna.

Keep your eyes peeled on our monthly newsletter for more information, or sign up to the PLCM event mailing list by emailing me at

This program is possible thanks to the shared work of the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust and Landcare NSW under the Private Land Conservation Matters project, supported locally by MidCoast Council.

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