Rainbow over Camel’s Hump Conservation reserve.

Old Bar Coastcare

Manning Coastcare Subgroups


Working Tuesday and Saturday Mornings

We usually work on Tuesday and Saturday mornings from about 8am to 10am near the David St entrance to Forest walkway. We also work in other locations around Old Bar and are happy to help home owners by removing Asparagus Fern from their gardens. Why not join us to help protect our wonderful beach and littoral rain forest – and to make some new friendships working together out of doors? 

To join please email Anne or phone Helen!


0410 606 463


Protecting the littoral rainforest and the dunes by weed control and planting

The littoral rainforest is an endangered ecological community which needs by law to be protected. The dune vegetation helps protect the littoral rainforest from salt laden winds which damage the rainforest species.  Both the dune vegetation and the rainforest at Old Bar are already damaged in many places. Weeds strangle and out-compete the local species. 

The Old Bar Coastcare group, in cooperation with Council, are achieving great results in weed control and the planting of native species, both in the littoral rainforest and on the sand-dune area.  The once very weed infested coastal rainforest, particularly with asparagus fern, is now relatively weed free. There are a multitude of young seedlings coming up to replace the weeds but of course there are also many young asparagus fern as well that need to be removed to give the native seedlings a chance to thrive. In some areas which are very degraded, replanting has taken place to give nature a helping hand. 


Sand-Traps and dune-fencing on the beach

The group has also been focused on establishing sand-traps on the beach, and these traps are regularly inspected and maintained. Although sand traps are often destroyed by storms, many are holding significant quantities of sand for new vegetation to fix in place, which is great. The group knows the erosion of the beach would be even worse if the sand traps had not been installed.The current plan, devised in conjunction with Council officers, is to place the sand-traps only on rises on the beach where Spinifex Grass is already establishing and trapping sand. These areas are generally above mean high tide level and this strategy seems to be working well. 


As well as weeding and planting along Racecourse Creek, Steve and other members of the Old Bar Coastcare Group are now using the Waterwatch kit supplied by Council to monitor the health of the water in the creek. We’ll keep you posted if any interesting water quality results are found! 


Related Resources

A Long History of Coastcare on the Mid Coast

A Long History of Coastcare on the Mid Coast

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