Rainbow over Camel’s Hump Conservation reserve.

Karuah River Catchment Landcare Group

Karuah & Great Lakes Landcare Subgroups


KCLG is an active forum to share interests and ideas, learn and disseminate information to contribute to the wellbeing of the population and the environment which supports us all. We work with council, LLS and Government to engage landholders in caring for the land and give a voice to advise government and statutory bodies of landholders views on management of the land and the ecology.

Our current flagship project is the Branch River Wetland Rehabilitation Project, with more than 270ha of wetlands on 8 properties being protected and restored by farmers with the assistance of MidCoast Council, Hunter Local Land Services and Landcare Australia Ltd.

Check out a video of the project below!

Rod Zemanek

0414 635 536


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