Rainbow over Camel’s Hump Conservation reserve.

Harrington Coastcare

Manning Coastcare Subgroups

Harrington Coastcare

The reformed Harrington Coastcare Group had its first working bee on Monday 3 July 2017 when an intrepid band of half a dozen or so braved the chilly morning air.  They worked around the parking area at the Crowdy Road entrance of the Harrington rainforest, and achieved noticeable results. The group brought their own tools, with digging and cutting tools proving most useful.  Manning Coastcare provided lightweight UV resistant “flouro” shirts.  

Working 1st Monday and 3rd Friday of the month

The group currently has working bees from 9 am to 11 am on the first Monday and third Friday of each month.  Two hours of weeding is a good workout so you are welcome to bring a chair and some morning tea for a break!

More information on the Harrington to Crowdy Head Coastal Environment


Aerial photography of southern Harrington beach 

Manning Coastcare has engaged staff from Taree Indigenous Development and Employment (TIDE) Ltd to undertake regular drone photography over the southern section of Harrington beach to monitor the effectiveness of exclusion fencing on 4WD usage of and damage to the foredunes. 


4WD entrance onto beach from Crowdy Head Rd

November 1st 2019


4WD tracks through dunes

November 1st 2019


4WD entrance onto beach from Crowdy Head Rd

May 4th 2020


4WD tracks through dunes

May 4th 2020


4WD entrance onto beach from Crowdy Head Rd

June 2021

4WD tracks through dunes

June 2021


Related Resources

A Long History of Coastcare on the Mid Coast

A Long History of Coastcare on the Mid Coast

Hallidays Point Landcare

Hallidays Point Landcare

Wallabi Point Coastcare

Wallabi Point Coastcare

Old Bar Coastcare

Old Bar Coastcare