Rainbow over Camel’s Hump Conservation reserve.

Flora in Feature  – the Weeping Lilly Pilly.

Ecology, Latest News, Native Plants, Plant ID, Propagation

This very common, large tree is found along watercourses throughout the region.  I wanted to highlight the Weeping Lilly Pilly this month as it will start flowering coming into spring, making the tree easy to identify.  

There are hybridised cultivars that grace gardens and parks but to see the true magnificence of this tree look along streams throughout the Midcoast area.  I have seen magnificent large specimens at Bobin, Killabakh, Wherrol Flat and on the Manning River at Wingham. Growing up to 30 metres tall with glossy foliage these trees are integral to bank stabilisation and provide shade to help keep water temperatures down. The fruit is a pink to green berry that contains a single seed.  Seeds germinate easily and quickly, especially if the flesh is removed. Although frost tender when young they can make a lovely addition to shelter belts and large gardens.


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